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INDIGENOUS CONFERENCE SERVICES is 100% Indigenous-owned and independent from any government-funding body!


The absolute core and soul of our company is our people and culture. We believe that the people who make up ICS have a commitment to First Nations affairs both through their work life and experiences. Over the years, we have built the most experienced Indigenous Conference Management team so much so that since opening our doors, we have clocked up an impressive array of events both within Australia and internationally.  ICS has organized conferences up to 6,500 delegates, festivals up to 70,000 over two (2) days and thousands of smaller conferences and events. We offer community organizations a wide range of services from total event management to marketing, offering perks and free of charge services for sourcing conference venues amongst others.

ICS is based upon the principles of maintaining our own Cultural identity whilst striving for our own self-determination through education & private enterprise.  ICS is by far the longest, professional, independent (not relying on government funding) event management company in First Nations Australia.  We are proud of our heritage which when coupled with our unyielding drive and determination, we generally achieved and obtain the highest standard of professional event management service. 

We believe education is the key to generational change and a brighter future, and we are deeply committed to the ongoing success of Indigenous independence through private enterprise and the fostering and nurturing of partnerships. Through developing partnerships with community organizations, ICS funds conferences without sourcing funding from government departments and organizations. This enables community groups the opportunity to stage a conference or event without 'going cup in hand' seeking funding. A further benefit of an ICS funded event is the freedom to place on the event agenda specific issues prevalent to the partnered organization. All ICS events are what is termed public interest and have deep grounding with grassroots principles.

Our Koori CEO, Tom Callaghan comes from Kempsey in Dunghutti country of NSW. We specialize in working with NGOs and governments and initiated several successful events over the years. Our events are designed to be an information sharing platform for not only open and frank discussion but also based upon the principles of Indigenous self-determination through the sharing of positive information, programs and cooperation between community organizations and governments. Moreover, if a national association is not funded to run an event, we will lend our support and expertise to help develop the conference. Our business model is successful and well-proven; hence, ICS continues to save organization's money, time and resources. The ICS business model has work both nationally and internationally for many years no. Fundamental to this is remaining neutral and outside political agendas and without fear of losing funding. 


We do not enter into government politics, nor were wishing to develop a profile that will interfere or cut across any community group’s philosophy or beliefs. Our sole aim is to bring together information that can be disseminated for the better good of Indigenous communities. It is our plan to be recognized as a network sharing tools and a provider of quality conferences and seminars that enhances local and government organization with quality speakers and training programs.


Our conferences are not political based rather should be seen as an opportunity to access information that is not readily available at your own level. Today, the world has become smaller with the invention of the internet however the internet has also managed to sterilised and isolate people at the same time. As such, we are of the belief that there is nothing more empowering and more efficient than for workers to have an opportunity to network and meet face to face to exchange ideas, valuable information and successful programs in place in

their communities. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.


Cairns and Hervey Bay

Edmonton PO LPO BOX  702

Queensland 4869

Ph 07 4000 9111

04 55 77 6668

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